January 2020 - Colorado Bar

The Risks of Sharing Office Space as a Lawyer

There are many benefits to sharing office space as a lawyer, like increased cost savings and a more sociable workplace. But without the proper risk management precautions, the blurred boundaries of a shared office put you at greater risk of legal malpractice claims. To protect your reputation and your law firm, it's important to acknowledge [...]

By | January 22nd, 2020|Risk Management Tips|21 Comments

Logistics of a Lateral Move: Tips for a Hiring Law Firm

Lateral moves in the legal community are common and occur for several reasons. As a law firm, you may seek the expertise, passion or enthusiasm of new talent, while attorneys consider lateral moves to avoid stagnation, spur professional development or gain new perspective. Still, it's important to plan carefully to minimize the risks. If your [...]

By | January 22nd, 2020|Risk Management Tips|0 Comments

Minimizing Exposure in Wills, Trusts and Estates Practice

The wills, trusts and estates practice area frequently involves complex issues requiring specialized legal experience and training, as well as matters that may entail high-stakes disputes among family members. According to CNA data, claims involving the wills, trusts and estates practice area surged during the economic downturn of 2008. However, claims frequency continues to remain [...]

By | January 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments